Fenwal Thermoswitch 17102-0, -100-600 deg F, Stainless Steel, hex head, open on rise
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Code: FF 17102-0
Shipping Weight: 5.00 pounds
Fenwal Thermoswitch 01-017102-000. Hex Head Thermoswitch element is 2.97 inches long and .625 inch diameter has all the basic elements of an ideal thermostat, high sensitivity, wide range, small size and rugged construction. The 17102 series opens on temperature rise, has a range of -100 to 400 degrees F and has a 10 amp contact rating. This Thermoswitch is 300 Stainless Steel shell with Hex Head, 1/2 inch NPT threaded fitting and has 10 inch leads. Fenwal Thermoswitch 17102-0. FENWALTHERMOSWITCH View Product Datasheet (pdf format)
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